Negative sentence in simple past tense in Gujarati

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It is easy to create negative sentence in simple past tense from corresponding positive sentence. 
You just need to say "āŠĻāŠĨી"(nathi) before or after the verb to negate it. 

Below I have given pairs of positive and negative sentences.

(If boy says) I laughed -> āŠđું āŠđāŠļ્āŠŊો  (huM hasyo )

(If boy says) I did not laugh -> āŠđું āŠĻāŠĨી āŠđāŠļ્āŠŊો  (huM nathi hasyo )

(If said to one boy) You walked -> āŠĪું āŠšાāŠē્āŠŊો   (tuM chAlyo  )

(If said to one boy) You did not walk -> āŠĪું āŠĻāŠĨી āŠšાāŠē્āŠŊો   (tuM nathi chAlyo  )

(If girl says) I laughed ->āŠđું āŠđāŠļી  (huM hasI)

(If girl says) I did not laugh ->āŠđું āŠĻāŠĨી āŠđāŠļી  (huM nathi hasI)

(If said to one girl) You walked -> āŠĪું āŠšાāŠēી  (tuM chAlI )

(If said to one girl) You did not walk -> āŠĪું āŠĻāŠĨી āŠšાāŠēી  (tuM nathi chAlI )

They said -> 
āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠŽોāŠē્āŠŊાં  (teo bolyAM )
They did not say -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠĻāŠĨી āŠŽોāŠē્āŠŊાં  (teo nathi bolyAM )

He(polite) sat -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠŽેāŠļ્āŠŊા  (teo besyA)

He(polite) did not seat  -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠĻāŠĨી āŠŽેāŠļ્āŠŊા  (teo nathi besyA)

I saw a boy -> āŠŪેં āŠāŠ• āŠ›ોāŠ•āŠ°ો āŠœોāŠŊો (meM ek laDakA joyo )

I did not see a boy -> āŠŪેં āŠāŠ• āŠ›ોāŠ•āŠ°ો āŠĻāŠĨી āŠœોāŠŊો (meM ek laDakA nathi joyo )

I saw a girl -> āŠŪેં āŠāŠ• āŠ›ોāŠ•āŠ°ી āŠœોāŠˆ  (meM ek ChokarIjoI )

did not  see a girl -> āŠŪેં āŠāŠ• āŠ›ોāŠ•āŠ°ી āŠĻāŠĨી āŠœોāŠˆ  (meM ek ChokarI nathi joI )

You saw a tree-> āŠĪેં āŠāŠ• āŠાāŠĄ āŠœોāŠŊું  (meM ek laDakA joyuM)

You did not see a tree-> āŠĪેં āŠāŠ• āŠાāŠĄ āŠĻāŠĨી āŠœોāŠŊું  (teM ek laDakA nathi joyuM)

People ate tamarind -> āŠēોāŠ•ોāŠ āŠ†āŠŪāŠēી āŠ–ાāŠ§ી ( lokoe AmalI khAdhI )

People did not eat tamarind -> āŠēોāŠ•ોāŠ āŠ†āŠŪāŠēી āŠĻāŠĨી āŠ–ાāŠ§ી ( lokoe AmalI nathi khAdhI )

You ate many "Dahiwada"s -> 
āŠĪેં āŠŽāŠđુ āŠĶāŠđિāŠĩāŠĄા āŠ–ાāŠ§ાં (teM bahu dahivaDA khAdhAM)
You did not eat many "Dahiwada"s -> āŠĪેં āŠŽāŠđુ āŠĶāŠđિāŠĩāŠĄા āŠĻāŠĨી āŠ–ાāŠ§ાં (teM bahu dahivaDA nathi khAdhAM)

I drank water -> āŠŪેં āŠŠાāŠĢી āŠŠીāŠ§ું(meM pANI pIdhuM)

did not drink water -> āŠŪેં āŠŠાāŠĢી āŠĻāŠĨી āŠŠીāŠ§ું(meM pANI nathi pIdhuM)

He took steps -> āŠāŠĢે āŠŠāŠ—āŠēાં āŠēીāŠ§ાં  (eNe pagalAM lIdhAM )

He did not take steps -> āŠāŠĢે āŠŠāŠ—āŠēાં āŠĻāŠĨી āŠēીāŠ§ાં  (eNe pagalAM nathi lIdhAM )

You can put āŠĻāŠĨી either before verb or after verb.

āŠāŠĢે āŠŠāŠ—āŠēાં āŠĻāŠĨી āŠēીāŠ§ાં  (eNe pagalAM nathi lIdhAM ) is same as āŠāŠĢે āŠŠāŠ—āŠēાં āŠēીāŠ§ાં āŠĻāŠĨી  (eNe pagalAM lIdhAM nathi )
āŠŪેં āŠŠાāŠĢી āŠĻāŠĨી āŠŠીāŠ§ું(meM pANI nathi pIdhuM) is same as āŠŪેં āŠŠાāŠĢી āŠŠીāŠ§ું āŠĻāŠĨી (meM pANI pIdhuM nathi ) 

******* Form of āŠđોāŠĩું  (“hovuM”) in NEGATIVE simple past tense ******

Form of āŠđોāŠĩું  (“hovuM”) in NEGATIVE simple past tense are created by saying āŠĻ(n) before positive form. 
If they are combined together then instead of āŠđ(h) we use has āŠđો(ho)
So,  āŠĻ(n) + āŠđāŠĪો (hato )   combined as āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪો (nahoto)
Refer below table for all forms

English Pronoun
Gujarati Pronoun
Form of 
āŠđોāŠĩું  (“hovuM”)
in positive simple past tense
Form of 
āŠđોāŠĩું  (“hovuM”)
simple past tense
Masculine Singular Pronouns
I, You, He, This, That
āŠđું  (huM), 
āŠĪું  (tuM), 

āŠđāŠĪો (hato )
āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪો (na hato ) /
āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪો (nahoto)
Feminine  Singular Pronouns
I, You, She, This, That
āŠđું  (huM), 
āŠĪું  (tuM), 

āŠđāŠĪી (hatI )

āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪી (na hatI ) /
āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪી (nahotI)

Neuter Singular Pronouns. Generally only in third person
It, This, That


āŠđāŠĪું (hatuM )

āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪું (na hatuM ) /
āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪું (nahotuM)

Masculine plural pronouns
We, You(plural), They, ThoseYou(plural)
āŠ…āŠŪે  (ame), 
āŠ†āŠŠāŠĢે  (ApaNe),
āŠĪāŠŪે (tame ) 
āŠĪેāŠ“/ āŠ/āŠĪે 
(teo /e/te)

āŠđāŠĪા (hatA)
āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪા (na hatA) /
āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪા (nahotA)

First & Second person plural for Feminine
and Polite form
We, You(plural),

āŠ…āŠŪે  (ame), 
āŠ†āŠŠāŠĢે  (ApaNe),
āŠĪāŠŪે (tame ) , 

āŠđāŠĪાં (hatAM)
āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪાં (na hatAM) /
āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪાં (nahotAM)
Third plural for Feminine
āŠĪેāŠ“/ āŠ/āŠĪે 
(teo /e/te)

āŠđāŠĪી (hatI )

āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪી (na hatI ) /
āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪી (nahotI)

Plurals in neuter gender
Generally only in third person

(teo /e/te)

āŠđāŠĪાં (hatAM)
āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪાં (na hatAM) /
āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪાં (nahotAM)

(If boy says) I was there -> āŠđું āŠĪ્āŠŊાં āŠđāŠĪો   (huM tyAM hato )
(If boy says) I was not there ->āŠđું āŠĪ્āŠŊાં āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪો/āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪો (huM tyAM nahoto/na hato  )

(If said to to a girl) You were beautiful -> āŠĪું āŠļુંāŠĶāŠ° āŠđāŠĪી  (tuM suMdar hatI)
(If said to to a girl) You were not beautiful -> āŠĪું āŠļુંāŠĶāŠ° āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪી/āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪી (tuM suMdar nahotI/na hatI)

He(polite) was present -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠđાāŠœāŠ° āŠđāŠĪા  (teo hAjar hatA)
He(polite) was not present -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠđાāŠœāŠ° āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪા/āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪા (teo hAjar nahotA/na hatA)

She(polite) was present -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠđાāŠœāŠ° āŠđāŠĪાં  (teo hAjar hatAM)

She(polite) was not present -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠđાāŠœāŠ° āŠĻāŠđોāŠĪાં /āŠĻ āŠđāŠĪાં (teo hAjar nahotAM/na                                                 hatAM )

2nd way) By ending positive sentence with āŠĻāŠđિં(nahiM) to make it negative
(If boy says) I was not there ->āŠđું āŠĪ્āŠŊાં āŠđāŠĪો āŠĻāŠđિં  (huM tyAM hato nahiM)
(If said to to a girl) You were not beautiful -> āŠĪું āŠļુંāŠĶāŠ° āŠđāŠĪી āŠĻāŠđિં  (tuM suMdar hatI nahiM )
He(polite) was not present -> āŠĪેāŠ“ āŠđાāŠœāŠ° āŠđāŠĪા āŠĻāŠđિં (teo hAjar hatA nahiM)

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  1. Hi,

    just wanted to point out a typo on this one:

    You saw a tree-> āŠĪેં āŠāŠ• āŠાāŠĄ āŠœોāŠŊું (meM ek laDakA joyuM)
    You did not see a tree-> āŠĪેં āŠāŠ• āŠાāŠĄ āŠĻāŠĨી āŠœોāŠŊું (meM ek laDakA nathi joyuM)

    I think those should be 'Te ek...' not 'meM ek...'


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